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Writing Curriculum

wRITING CURRICULUM Statement of Intent 

Subject Leader is Mr Thursby.


Our Writing curriculum is aligned to the vision of Cherry Willingham Priory Academy and that of the Priory Federation of Academies. It is a vision for all children driven by our passion to empower potential.

At Cherry Willingham Primary Academy, we use the ‘Writing Roots’ (Literacy Tree) to develop writing skills. We want to instil in all children a love of writing and an enthusiasm to use their imagination and write creatively using rich vocabulary and strong text type structures. Children are continuously exposed to high quality texts which introduces them to a range of genres and writing techniques.

We want our children to speak, read and write fluently so that they can communicate their ideas, and emotions to others effectively. As children move through each stage of school, they are provided with opportunities which will develop their confidence and stamina for writing. We want children to take pride in their work and place emphasis on presentation and handwriting both in discreet English lessons and across the curriculum when presented with writing opportunities.

Research shows that extensive practice, supported by effective feedback, is required to develop fluent transcription skills and we strive to ensure that we provide this effectively.

Our reading and writing curriculum are closely aligned as we believe that strong writers are strong readers with a love of books and language. Our reading and writing lessons link wherever possible so children can be fully immersed in a text and text type.

Our writing curriculum will:

  • Be accessible to all children and aim to foster a sense of writing for pleasure in all children
  • Develop writing stamina and fluency across the wider curriculum
  • Ensure that at all stages of their primary education children have the necessary skills to be successful in the next phase of their school journey developing pupils cultural capital and making them confident citizens of the world.

Our curriculum intent at Cherry Willingham Primary Academy will be achieved for all pupils through:

  • Daily English lessons taught from Yr2-6
  • Daily phonic lessons from EYFS – Yr2 using Phonics ‘Get Writing’ as part of the Read, Write Inc. progression of learning.
  • Termly internal moderation meetings to QA provision and ensure progression is clear.
  • In EYFS teachers will make on-going assessments using the ages and stages in Development Matters.
  • Children will complete a ‘cold task’ to begin a unit and a ‘hot task’ at the end of a unit to assess progress
  • Opportunities to write across the curriculum.
  • Writing is aligned with reading and taught through a ‘gradual release of responsibility’.
  • Assess using assessment criteria for each year group, with evidence gathered across the academic year.
  • Creating targets based on assessment of the National Curriculum criteria.
  • Teach spelling discreetly through ‘Active Spelling’.

Our writing curriculum will enable children to:

  • Become competent writers using grammatical structures appropriate for their age and phase
  • Understand different writing genres and text types and articulate this
  • Use their writing knowledge and skills in all curriculum areas
  • Make good progress in writing from their starting points
  • Be ready to access the next phase of their writing journey
  • Give pupils a voice to share their ideas and express and communicate emotions

Writing from Y2 - Y6 is taught 5 hours per week. Spelling is an additional 2 hours and 40 minutes.

RWI is built up to 1 hour per lesson, including Get Set for Writing.

English at Cherry

English Policy Statement