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 Our SENCo is Mrs C Baldock.

At Cherry Willingham Primary Academy we believe that every child really does matter. We are passionate about high quality teaching and learning, ensuring that every child has a rich, varied and engaging curriculum, regardless of age, ability, culture, special educational need or disability.

Everyone is valued and encouraged to achieve their potential, producing quality outcomes, making outstanding progress and developing a love of learning! We seek to achieve this through effective team work, creativity and dedication. We believe that providing a happy, safe and caring environment will encourage excellence and enjoyment of learning.

Our school community works together to actively promote and develop our shared vision and values, which are: passion, courage, generosity, curiosity and wisdom.  We are proud of our school’s achievements and work hard to develop strong links with the wider community for the benefit of all.

We have a Pastoral Team with a range of expertise, including behaviour support (ELSA Programme), well-being (Friends Programme and Lego Therapy), self-esteem, mentoring and parental engagement.

At Cherry Willingham we endeavour to engage, challenge and support parents to provide the best possible outcomes for the children in our school. The Team ensure smooth transitions and provide sensitive support at every level.  Parents can benefit from a listening ear, a guide to agencies or support during challenging times.  

Every child is afforded the same range of opportunities, from in-school activities, to out-of-school visits, irrespective of their needs. This applies to outward bound, transition to secondary, and opportunities to carry out real-life activities as part of a social skills group. (You do not have to have an SEN to access this.)

We want to support families, children, the community and our partner services to ensure the best possible outcomes and improve the life chances of our pupils so that they become true citizens of the world (aligned to our Trust Mission Statement.)

SEND Information Report 2024

SEND Policy 2022

To view the Local Offer please click the link below

Local Offer