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Maths Curriculum

maths curriculum statement of intent

Subject Leaders Miss Moss

Our Mathematics curriculum is aligned to the vision of Cherry Willingham Priory Academy and that of the Priory Federation of Academies.


At Cherry Willingham Primary Academy, we want all our children to have the knowledge and skills to be successful in maths for their education and for their wider lives in the future. We aim to foster a curiosity for Maths, a resilience which enables them to thrive in the subject, and a deep understanding of mathematical concepts, in order that they can be applied to problem-solving and real-life contexts. We strongly believe in the mastery approach towards the teaching and learning of mathematics, and we strive to create a curriculum to which all pupils have access, and through which all can progress. We believe all children can be successful mathematicians and that errors and misconceptions are an essential part of learning and challenge.

Our mathematics curriculum will:

  • Empower children with fluent knowledge and recall of number facts and the number system, and the ability to manipulate numbers in a variety of ways (declarative knowledge).
  • Give pupils fluency when performing calculations, and provide a broad range of skills in using and applying mathematics to different contexts and representations (procedural knowledge).
  • Provide rich reasoning and problem-solving opportunities with an appropriate level of challenge for all (conditional knowledge).
  • Build on mathematical concepts, providing a ‘journey’ for each child, broken into small steps.
  • Be rich in precise mathematical language, giving opportunities for children to engage in dialogue and to articulate their mathematical thinking effectively.
  • Provide opportunities for children to reason mathematically and generalise and identify patterns.
  • Be assessed accurately through a range of formative and summative assessments; these will inform intervention needs and secure progress for all.

Our curriculum intent will be achieved through:

  • The use of Fluent in Five (daily arithmetic practice) across KS1 and KS2, to allow children regularly to revisit procedural maths. This will develop their fluency in number facts and the number system, and in performing written and mental calculations.
  • The curriculum will be taught using Power Maths resources and materials, incorporating the small steps of the White Rose curriculum, to which it is aligned. Power Maths textbooks, approved by the DfE, incorporate a great amount of problem-solving and reasoning, building on knowledge of number, core arithmetical skills, and fluency of concepts in different contexts.
  • Teachers will make use of concrete manipulatives, pictorial and abstract representations in order to build secure foundations in children’s mathematical understanding.
  • There is challenge for all by using extension materials from quality assured materials.
  • The best form of intervention comes from teachers anticipating the needs of their pupils in advance. When planning, teachers will devise toolkit lessons at the start of a new unit of maths, and within units where needed, to pre-teach the core skills and knowledge that pupils will need to be successful. This will include fluency, reasoning and problem-solving work, with the intention of enabling all children to access the curriculum.
  • Lessons will be rich in precise mathematical language and discussion, modelled by teachers and in evidence in pupils’ responses, both verbal and written. Vocabulary will be modelled, encouraged and shared, including on classroom displays.

At the end of each Key Stage, the vast majority of pupils have achieved mastery of the content; some achieve greater depth in the subject.

  • Most pupils have strong and secure recall of the number system and number facts. This enables them to access reasoning and problem-solving, and to build their fluency by using maths knowledge and skills in different contexts. As a result, pupils will make connections across the mathematics curriculum.
  • Pupils build their collaborative and independent skills in mathematics. All pupils experience challenge and success, which builds their resilience and growth mindset. The mastery approach ensures that they all make measurable progress against their own targets, and that they are equipped to move onto the next phase of their mathematics education.
  • Pupils use precise mathematical vocabulary, which will clarify their reasoning and thinking.
  • Pupils have an enthusiasm and enjoyment for the challenges in the subject, and for how its concepts can be applied within mathematics, and beyond into the wider world.

Maths is taught for 1 hour per lesson.

Maths at Cherry

please click the links below to see our current curriculum

Please Click the links below to see the Calculation Policies used at our Academy