Join Friends of Cherry
Are you interested in joining our Friends of Cherry team?
All parents, carers, grandparents and friends of children in the school are members of the association.
There are various ways you can help, you can help at events such as by being a stall holder, or you could donate some time in the preparation of events, you do not need to commit to a regular monthly participation.
However, if you are interested you can also be an ordinary committee member and participate fully in the meetings, being part of the decision making process. Equally, if you feel you have the time there are officer roles on the committee, such as Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary. These roles are voted in at the Annual General Meeting, and oversee the day to day running of the committee and ensure the committee functions as required.
Further information is available on the attached document. If you feel you could offer some support to the committee or would like to join as an ordinary member or officer please contact us via the form.