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PSHE (including Relationship and Sex Education) Curriculum

PSHE curriculum statement of intent

Subject Leader is Mrs Curtis and Miss Willders.


PSHE is at the core of everything that we do, enabling our children to become healthy, independent, respectful and responsible members of society. PSHE is taught as an isolated subject across the school from Foundation Stage to Year Six. Through this approach we believe that we can build on children’s prior learning and equip them with relevant, meaningful content that will provide them with an understanding and empower them to contribute to our diverse and ever-changing world.   

Although taught in isolation, PSHE is intertwined throughout our school day and curriculum. At Cherry Willingham Primary Academy we aim to create a loving, caring and warm environment where all pupils feel empowered to make good, positive decisions about their behaviour.  

At Cherry Willingham Primary Academy we intend to: 

  • Develop the knowledge, skills and attributes our children need to manage their lives, now and in the future.  
  • Encourage our children to play a positive and active role in contributing to school life and the wider community.  
  • Provide opportunities to explore, clarify and if necessary, challenge their own and others’ values, attitudes, beliefs, rights and responsibilities.  
  • Develop individuals who are independent, responsible and respectful, who feel empowered to make positive choices in their lives now and in the future.  
  • Provide children with the knowledge of how to live a physically and mentally healthy lifestyle with an understanding of their own emotions. 


At Cherry Willingham Primary Academy we follow ‘Jigsaw, the mindful approach’ to provide children with weekly PSHE sessions, this scheme is followed flexibly to allow teachers to cater for all children as individuals.  This progressive curriculum enables children to build upon and revise previous learning to develop and deepen their knowledge of living a healthy lifestyle and creating positive relationships with their peers.  Throughout the year, all children across the school work on the same theme, enabling the whole school to focus on this area launched by a whole school assembly and for it to be referenced and celebrated regularly. In school, we also have an ELSA who works with children who are in need of additional emotional support.  

Sessions are delivered using a positive approach in a safe and supportive learning environment which does not shock or worry.  Our children reflect on their learning, and transfer what they have learnt from one subject to another, and from school to their own lives in the wider community.  


The impact of PSHE is active and participatory, helping children to recognise the progress they are making. In PSHE lessons pupils are encouraged to reflect on their learning, ask questions, make judgements about their own strengths and needs, and make their own personal targets. Teachers understand the importance of identifying future learning needs from making informal formative assessments during lessons and the school day. These assessments come from observations of children, teacher and pupil discussions, reflections of group activities all throughout school life and written evidence. Progress in PSHE is recorded and reported to parents as part of the child’s annual school report and discussed with parents at both parents’ evenings.  

As our children learn about how to be upstanding members of the community, the role they have to play within the school and wider community and also British Values exclusion rates are extremely low, and now incidents of bullying, racial or homophobic incidents and online bullying have been reported.  The learning behaviours taught within our PSHE curriculum (and embedded in other subjects) has helped children in all groups to make good personal progress, including those in vulnerable groups. 

Each year children confidently apply themselves to (and aspire to take on) many roles across school such as Academy Council, Playground Leaders and House Captains. 

After discussion with our local secondary school, it is evident that our pupils are prepared when moving into KS3; due to the provision we have at Cherry Willingham Primary Academy, pupils are able to confidently adapt to the challenges this transition brings.  


PSHE (Jigsaw) is taught for 1 hour per week.

RSHE Progression Map


PSHE Vocabulary